Redivider is one of the longest single English language palindromes in common usage and describes something that divides or apportions again. These prints, paintings and text pieces consider ways in which images, words, space and time might be divided, redivided and reassembled.
In April 2019 I was awarded a Sir William Gillies Bequest Award which allowed me to travel to Tiree, Lewis and Harris to collect images and information for a new series of work. The resulting series of twelve prints is called Fàirean – the Scots Gaelic word for horizons. These archival digital prints were made by arranging series of square-format time-lapse photographs taken at different times of the day and in different locations, into grids. The individual horizon images are divided so that half of each of the images are arranged in the order they were photographed and the other half reverses the sequence.The forty-five images in each print are organised into five rows of nine squares and the central image is the only complete photograph of each place - the other squares combine photographs taken before and after the central image.
The series of Redivider (Heelster Gowdie) archival digital prints were made in the same way as the ‘Fàirean’ images using images of the sky. The Heelster Gowdie reference comes from the start of Hamish Henderson’s Freedom Come All Ye song - 'Roch the wind in the clear day’s dawin, Blaws the cloods heelster-gowdie ow’r the bay’
The wooden Redivider (Palindromes) text pieces were constructed using letters cut with a CNC router from different types of plywood in order to alter and disrupt their symmetry and balance. A search for other palindromes that might have reference to the processes of planning and making this work uncovered Level and Releveler, Reifier (something that makes an abstract idea real or concrete), Sememes (units of information),Tenet (a principle or belief), and Reviver (a stimulus).
The Redivider (Frieze) prints and paintings are based on collages made from images from Frieze magazines. These were collaged together, scanned and digitally reconfigured. Again, they disrupt a symmetrical format. The Redivider (Interference) collages incorporate older prints of my own which have been painted on, cut up and reassembled. Interference also refers to the type of paint that the overlaid marks are painted with which changes colour according to lighting conditions. Robert Ryman describes the effect of using Interference paint as being ‘spatially unpredictable’.
The Redivider (The Debateable Lands) prints redivide and overlay maps of the Scottish and English border territory from different periods of history. The Debateable Lands lay between Scotland and England and were once disputed territory.
In April 2019 I was awarded a Sir William Gillies Bequest Award which allowed me to travel to Tiree, Lewis and Harris to collect images and information for a new series of work. The resulting series of twelve prints is called Fàirean – the Scots Gaelic word for horizons. These archival digital prints were made by arranging series of square-format time-lapse photographs taken at different times of the day and in different locations, into grids. The individual horizon images are divided so that half of each of the images are arranged in the order they were photographed and the other half reverses the sequence.The forty-five images in each print are organised into five rows of nine squares and the central image is the only complete photograph of each place - the other squares combine photographs taken before and after the central image.
The series of Redivider (Heelster Gowdie) archival digital prints were made in the same way as the ‘Fàirean’ images using images of the sky. The Heelster Gowdie reference comes from the start of Hamish Henderson’s Freedom Come All Ye song - 'Roch the wind in the clear day’s dawin, Blaws the cloods heelster-gowdie ow’r the bay’
The wooden Redivider (Palindromes) text pieces were constructed using letters cut with a CNC router from different types of plywood in order to alter and disrupt their symmetry and balance. A search for other palindromes that might have reference to the processes of planning and making this work uncovered Level and Releveler, Reifier (something that makes an abstract idea real or concrete), Sememes (units of information),Tenet (a principle or belief), and Reviver (a stimulus).
The Redivider (Frieze) prints and paintings are based on collages made from images from Frieze magazines. These were collaged together, scanned and digitally reconfigured. Again, they disrupt a symmetrical format. The Redivider (Interference) collages incorporate older prints of my own which have been painted on, cut up and reassembled. Interference also refers to the type of paint that the overlaid marks are painted with which changes colour according to lighting conditions. Robert Ryman describes the effect of using Interference paint as being ‘spatially unpredictable’.
The Redivider (The Debateable Lands) prints redivide and overlay maps of the Scottish and English border territory from different periods of history. The Debateable Lands lay between Scotland and England and were once disputed territory.